CLUSTERED INDEX VS NON CLUSTERED INDEX Clustered Index Only one clustered index can be there in a table because of the sorted order Sort the records and store them physically according to the order Data retrieval is faster than non-clustered indexes Do not need extra space to store logical structure A primary key by default creates a clustered index on it. Non Clustered Index There can be any number of non-clustered indexes in a table because of the number of unique keys we can create. Do not affect the physical order. Create a logical order for data rows and use pointers to physical data files Data insertion/update is faster than clustered index Use extra space to store logical structure A unique key/keys by dafault created an unclustered index on it. In Depth Explanation: Clustered Technically speaking, a clustered index is a B-Tree data structure where all the rows in a table are stored at the leaf level of the index. In other words, a clustered ind...
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