TSQL/ PLSQL in Sql Server:

  • It is a SQL Programming language used in SQL Server.
  • TSQL programs are called "TSQL Block"
  • TSQL blocks are 
  • 1. Anonymous blocks : Executed within session scope 
  • 2. Named Blocks: Its is a named block executed anytime from anywhere.

Ex:- write a program to input an employee number and check the employee commission.If the commission is null update the the commission to RS. 500, otherwise increment the commission by Rs.200.

declare @eno int,@commission int
set @eno=114
select @commission=commission from employ where eid=@eno
print @commission
if @commission is NULL
update employ set commission=500 where eid=@eno
update employ set commission=commission+200 where eid=@eno


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